Wednesday, 29 July 2009


Do you have to be mad to go camping? What fun we had. Putting the tent up in the rain, 10 minute walk to the bogs, 3 showers for the whole camp, more rain, kids pulling the tent pegs out at 3 in the morning, insomniac seagulls squawking a 4am, yet more rain, sleeping fully clothed because its so bleeding cold and wet, cramp in both legs due to the cold, even more rain, sharing your dinner with wasps and flies, taking the tent down in rain. Cant wait for the next time. Think I'll just sit in a puddle, and get someone to throw wet sponges at me whilst doing seagull noises very loudly!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Dartford River Crossing

On Tuesday, there was a power failure in the Dartford area, and the Dartford river crossing was free, until some bright spark managed to start the generator (boo). Apparently the traffic flow was great until then. Back to the good old days.
If they made it free, then traffic congestion would be eased. It's been paid for twice over anyway.
The crossing is owned by a French company so the profits aren't even coming here!
We car owners just sit back back and let everyone rip us off. Time for the motorists to rise up!