Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Credit Crunch affects us all

Until now, the credit crunch has not affected me. I still had my job, and all my bills were paid. However, I did run on a bank overdraft, and now my bank has withdrawn that facility. To be fair, they have given me a year to do it, but I now have to make serious savings each month.
It seems bizarre that the bankers who caused this mess are still highly paid, and the normal hard working population have to pick up the pieces.
I need to live on baked beans for the next year - could be interesting round my house!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Your Wrong

There's a barber shop in Wickford with a sign outside that says "Your nuts not to come in". The usage of Your instead of You're drives me nuts. The sign actually means that my nuts must not come in the shop - ok, so they wont. Another advert in a Newsagents shop started with the line "While your working in London.."

There are many examples of poor English; mixing up There and Their (What's there address?), To and Too (I can come to), New and Knew (If you new it was true). When I worked in Liverpool, there was a bakers shop with a sign that said "Are new phone number is .."
I know I'm crap at English, but I know what words to use. Why can't the rest of us?

Go on then, reply with "Get a life"

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Another Arsebook Scam

Watch out for the e Platinum credit card advert on Arsebook. It says £5000 limit and no credit check. That's impossible surely? Correct, it is. This is not a credit card, it's a catalogue with extortionate prices and a £5 monthly fee. And almost £100 to join. What a rip off! Read about it here.