Friday, 27 February 2009

The dangers of Facebook

A girl from Essex has been fired because she wrote on her Facebook page that her job was boring. I did warn everyone that is was dangerous to put stuff on Facebook that anyone can read, but I can't help thinking how petty her employer is. She didn't mention the name of her employer, but now everyone knows! So, Ivell Marketing & Logistics, not only are you a very boring company to work for, you also have no sense of humour and no common sense either! Blimey, even the company name sounds boring.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Can you believe these bankers? They get £20 billion from the government (in other words - us) and then want to spend £1 billion of it on bonuses!
A bonus is to reward employees when a company makes a profit. Well that's what it is in my line of business. The bankers are on a different planet eh?
If this stupid government lets them get away with it, then they should be ashamed. So while the rest of us struggle with the credit crunch, the idiots that caused it get huge payouts. Funny old world isn't it?